When did you know you liked bikinis?

Let's talk about bikinis
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When did you know you liked bikinis?

Post by tony_sucks »

Whats up everyone. I know everyone's journey with thongs/bikinis is different, so I want to share my story of how I got into them, and where I stand now. It might sound weird (and probably crazy because I still remember this) but mine started at the age of three. I remember I went to Costco with my parents, and we went through an underwear section they had. I remember looking at all of the different boxes of men posing for all type of underwear, mostly boxers. Then we got to the part of the isle that was showing off men in briefs. I couldn't keep my eyes off of the men in briefs. I just thought they looked so good in them. How the briefs were complementing their well-built bodies. I knew from then on that when I got older, I wanted to look like these men who looked hot in their underwear. After that moment, I could not stop thinking about men in briefs, and how I wished I looked like them. There was a couple more times that that I saw men on TV sporting bikinis at the beach (this was back in the 90's) , and that just really drove me nuts. My desire to look like these men was insane. Almost everyday I would think about getting older, working out, wearing bikinis/briefs and feeling like a real man. Unfortunately as a teenager I could not find the type of briefs that were being sold back in the 90's, and I had believed that society had just eradicated briefs/bikinis/thongs for men. Until one day, I went to the flea market and saw what I had thought went extinct; a 3 pack of men's Knocker Bikini Briefs. I could not believe it. I had to get my hands on at least one box, but I was with my parents at the time, and I didn't want them seeing me buy underwear that nobody really wore anymore, especially a 15 year old kid. So I went back the following months, and I bought 3 boxes of Knockers. I was so happy, I couldn’t wait to try them all on. They weren't the best bikinis, but they were enough. After this moment, I kept thinking to myself that I might be gay, because I couldn't keep my mind off of men wearing bikinis. I know now that I am not gay, and that I just like to admire men who are confident enough to look good half naked. It's something I've always wanted to do myself. To feel confident, hot and manly. Now that I'm 27, I have a whole gym bag full of bikinis and some thongs. I workout at least 6 times a week, and I am getting closer to looking like those men Ive always wanted to look like. However, I can't wear bikinis or thongs all the time because I have way too many roommates! I wouldn't care if the roommates weren't related to me, but they are. They are ALL my cousins (living situation is screwed up thanks to COVID). There is just something weird about wearing something really hot in front of family, even if they can't see it. It's really frustrating, and I cant wait to have my own place so I can finally wear them without having family around, and feel like the man I am meant to be.
Whats your story?

Re: When did you know you liked bikinis?

Post by JustSomeDude71 »

My interest in men's non-conventional underwear (bikinis, string bikinis, thongs) began in middle school in the early 1980s. The first man I ever saw in bikini underwear was my cousin, who is 3 years older than me. Before that, I never knew anything beyond the big, baggy, Y-front briefs that my mom had been buying for me ever since I graduated from wearing Pampers. When I was 14, my mom (who knew me better than I knew myself) asked me if I wanted to try wearing bikini underwear. Seizing my one and only opportunity, I quickly said yes. That was 35 years ago, and I have never went back to wearing boring, mundane Y-front briefs.
Last edited by JustSomeDude71 on Tue Aug 01, 2023 4:35 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: When did you know you liked bikinis?

Post by tbdrawer »

I guess you could say my interest probably started in my early teens with my admiration of seeing females in their bikinis on the beach and ads for their underwear in catalog/store flyers. It was probably around age 15 I received a catalog, which has a bunch of different catalogs you could request. In that I came across BodyAware and International Male/Undergear, which brought to my attention that skimpy cuts of underwear/swimwear were available for males. That is when I really got interested in wanting to try them, but didn't know how I was going to get my hands on them. Wasn't until I was 17 when I saw an ad in a Kmart flyer for string bikini underwear for men. Soon after I saw that ad, I made a trip to Kmart and got myself a package and as soon as I tried them on I knew that was the underwear style for me.
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Re: When did you know you liked bikinis?

Post by ian262 »

It's funny because it was a church camp counselor's comment who hoped to have the opposite effect. There was a pool at the camp and we were going swimming the next day. I would have been in 9th grade, I think. This guy was giving us a long laundry list of pool rules and one of them, just thrown in there was, "No bikinis. Trunks only."

I only kind of vaguely knew what one was (most people called them "speedos") and thought of it as something only male models and olympic divers wore. But right when he said that I felt my heart quicken and I knew that I was very interested in wearing one.
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Re: When did you know you liked bikinis?


tony_sucks wrote: Wed Oct 20, 2021 1:12 pm Whats up everyone. I know everyone's journey with thongs/bikinis is different, so I want to share my story of how I got into them, and where I stand now. It might sound weird (and probably crazy because I still remember this) but mine started at the age of three. I remember I went to Costco with my parents, and we went through an underwear section they had. I remember looking at all of the different boxes of men posing for all type of underwear, mostly boxers. Then we got to the part of the isle that was showing off men in briefs. I couldn't keep my eyes off of the men in briefs. I just thought they looked so good in them. How the briefs were complementing their well-built bodies. I knew from then on that when I got older, I wanted to look like these men who looked hot in their underwear. After that moment, I could not stop thinking about men in briefs, and how I wished I looked like them. There was a couple more times that that I saw men on TV sporting bikinis at the beach (this was back in the 90's) , and that just really drove me nuts. My desire to look like these men was insane. Almost everyday I would think about getting older, working out, wearing bikinis/briefs and feeling like a real man. Unfortunately as a teenager I could not find the type of briefs that were being sold back in the 90's, and I had believed that society had just eradicated briefs/bikinis/thongs for men. Until one day, I went to the flea market and saw what I had thought went extinct; a 3 pack of men's Knocker Bikini Briefs. I could not believe it. I had to get my hands on at least one box, but I was with my parents at the time, and I didn't want them seeing me buy underwear that nobody really wore anymore, especially a 15 year old kid. So I went back the following months, and I bought 3 boxes of Knockers. I was so happy, I couldn’t wait to try them all on. They weren't the best bikinis, but they were enough. After this moment, I kept thinking to myself that I might be gay, because I couldn't keep my mind off of men wearing bikinis. I know now that I am not gay, and that I just like to admire men who are confident enough to look good half naked. It's something I've always wanted to do myself. To feel confident, hot and manly. Now that I'm 27, I have a whole gym bag full of bikinis and some thongs. I workout at least 6 times a week, and I am getting closer to looking like those men Ive always wanted to look like. However, I can't wear bikinis or thongs all the time because I have way too many roommates! I wouldn't care if the roommates weren't related to me, but they are. They are ALL my cousins (living situation is screwed up thanks to COVID). There is just something weird about wearing something really hot in front of family, even if they can't see it. It's really frustrating, and I cant wait to have my own place so I can finally wear them without having family around, and feel like the man I am meant to be.
Whats your story?
Reading about the early age that you became aware of briefs etc reminded me of my first swimsuit. It was a stripy coloured square cut type suit and if memory serves me correct was for an age 5. I must have wore it regularly at the beach in summer because there are lots of black and white pics of me in family albums wearing it while building sandcastles back in the early 60's. I kept that suit at the bottom of a drawer well into adulthood before it finally got thrown out. I guess seeing it brought back happy memories of innocent, carefree childhood times. Believe it or not, I actually checked through some drawers before writing this to see if it was still there in case I'd imagined it had been thrown out, but it wasn't.
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Re: When did you know you liked bikinis?

Post by stringbikinidude »

Hey Tony, cool to read your post. Feel like I can relate to your experience alot. Ever since I was young I wanted to be a 'muscle bikini man'/ bikini stud....basically what you said
" There was a couple more times that that I saw men on TV sporting bikinis at the beach (this was back in the 90's) , and that just really drove me nuts. My desire to look like these men was insane. Almost everyday I would think about getting older, working out, wearing bikinis/briefs and feeling like a real man."
That was my same exact thoughts too. Drove me wild to guys in bikinis on the beach on 90s tv. I wanted to grow up so bad to do that too...to wear those hot styles one day. But yeah, seeing the pics of the guys on the underwear packaging I saw when I was around 12/13 ...I knew I wanted to wear those same styles and look like those guys. To me I guess I wanted to emulate those guys ...I just thought they looked so cool (and hot). I also wrestled with my sexuality a bit too as I obsessively thought about ripped guys wearing bikinis and wanting that so bad for myself. Truthfully had alot of ups and downs with it when I look back on it. It hasn't always been easy to 'go against the grain' underwear-wise. Most of my friends growing up didnt wear bikinis.
But I did grow up in the 80s/90s though and more guys wore bikinis back then and you'd see it more on tv/movies (0r in person) I was 12 or 13 when me and my friend would go to the store just to buy bikinis...it felt so 'rebellious' and I kind of hid that from my brothers...so I know what you mean when you say you feel like you couldnt wear them around family. I still feel that way around family a bit. Off and on all through my teens I would buy bikinis discreetly (kept it to myself mostly) and continued into my 20s'. When i discovered prevailsport online I was ....speechless as I'd been searching for that exact style for a long time. Ordering my first pair and getting it shipped to my house was an experience in itself. Felt like my bikini dreams had come true 8-) I could be the 'bikini guy' I'd always wanted to be. Almost hard to put into words the whole experience of trying on those first pairs I bought. Definitely highs and lows with wanting to show them off but at the same time feeling like I still had to kind of keep them to myself. I actually did get chances later to show them off in the locker room. It was cool seeing bikini 'sightings' in the locker room too. Where I'm living right now I have roommates and as much as I'd like to walk around in my bikinis...my roommates seem pretty conservative that way so I just 'play it safe' and wear shorts. I kind of wrestle back and forth with covering up and wanting to walk around in my bikinis. Olaf benz makes a awesome string bikini btw...not cheap either but worth it i'd say...
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Re: When did you know you liked bikinis?


stringbikinidude wrote: Sat Nov 20, 2021 4:59 am Hey Tony, cool to read your post. Feel like I can relate to your experience alot. Ever since I was young I wanted to be a 'muscle bikini man'/ bikini stud....basically what you said
" There was a couple more times that that I saw men on TV sporting bikinis at the beach (this was back in the 90's) , and that just really drove me nuts. My desire to look like these men was insane. Almost everyday I would think about getting older, working out, wearing bikinis/briefs and feeling like a real man."
That was my same exact thoughts too. Drove me wild to guys in bikinis on the beach on 90s tv. I wanted to grow up so bad to do that too...to wear those hot styles one day. But yeah, seeing the pics of the guys on the underwear packaging I saw when I was around 12/13 ...I knew I wanted to wear those same styles and look like those guys. To me I guess I wanted to emulate those guys ...I just thought they looked so cool (and hot). I also wrestled with my sexuality a bit too as I obsessively thought about ripped guys wearing bikinis and wanting that so bad for myself. Truthfully had alot of ups and downs with it when I look back on it. It hasn't always been easy to 'go against the grain' underwear-wise. Most of my friends growing up didnt wear bikinis.
But I did grow up in the 80s/90s though and more guys wore bikinis back then and you'd see it more on tv/movies (0r in person) I was 12 or 13 when me and my friend would go to the store just to buy bikinis...it felt so 'rebellious' and I kind of hid that from my brothers...so I know what you mean when you say you feel like you couldnt wear them around family. I still feel that way around family a bit. Off and on all through my teens I would buy bikinis discreetly (kept it to myself mostly) and continued into my 20s'. When i discovered prevailsport online I was ....speechless as I'd been searching for that exact style for a long time. Ordering my first pair and getting it shipped to my house was an experience in itself. Felt like my bikini dreams had come true 8-) I could be the 'bikini guy' I'd always wanted to be. Almost hard to put into words the whole experience of trying on those first pairs I bought. Definitely highs and lows with wanting to show them off but at the same time feeling like I still had to kind of keep them to myself. I actually did get chances later to show them off in the locker room. It was cool seeing bikini 'sightings' in the locker room too. Where I'm living right now I have roommates and as much as I'd like to walk around in my bikinis...my roommates seem pretty conservative that way so I just 'play it safe' and wear shorts. I kind of wrestle back and forth with covering up and wanting to walk around in my bikinis. Olaf benz makes a awesome string bikini btw...not cheap either but worth it i'd say...
Going by the dates you mentioned in your story, I'd guess you are in your mid to late forties(forgive me if I'm wrong). Reading about your passion at an early age for wearing bikinis, it seems a shame that you no longer feel able to continue to do so openly because of your current living arrangements and a fear of what your conservative roommates might think. If you share a bedroom then surely the other guy(s) you share with must see your bikini underwear either on your body or lying around in a laundry basket? If, on the other hand, you have your own bedroom, but share a kitchen, bathroom or living area with other guys, do they walk around in their boxer shorts in the communal areas? If that's the case then you could always test the water by wearing a bikini with a t-shirt that maybe partly covers it, but not completely. Without knowing the exact living arrangements of your situation, it's difficult to suggest a satisfactory solution, but a t-shirt, bikini combination might be worth trying.
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Re: When did you know you liked bikinis?

Post by outside_time »

My actual awareness of bikinis and clothing that emphasized sexuality came from TV, watching circus shows. There was a time when male performers wore, essentially, speedos and were bare-chested. The ladies wore two-piece outfits, or one piece with high cut legs. I found it all very exciting, and I was less than 5 years old. Beach wear wasn't real tiny yet at that time. When I started going to the swim club, it was at a time when many guys wore Speedos. I didn't have one, I had a very stretchy square-cut suit with a white belt. But I found I could roll the waistband down and the legs up. Then I joined the swim team, and my first Speedo was mandatory. The coach wore his fairly loose, and his bulge was quite graphic. I didn't want that, so I got mine sized smaller and tighter. I wore it out after a couple of years on the team, then got my own suits in various colors and sizes, all Speedos.

All my friends had Speedos! It's what we wore. One friend shocked me one time when we were at his house, and he said, "Hey, do you know how to make a bikini?" Well, all he did was put on his Speedo, roll up the legs and down the waist, then parade around a bit. I wasn't comfortable with the situation, but it did let me know that I was not alone in my bikini obsession.

In my high school years, all my friends wore Speedos. And I discovered there were several types, styles an sizes. My next Speedo was a floral print, very short, with more narrow sides. And my best friend at the time got one too, in a different color. We spend many hours at the pool in the summer, sunning ourselves while watching the girls in their ever-shrinking bikinis. I recall one girl showing up for the first time in bottoms with string sides. We almost went nuts, she was so hot!

Then I went shopping for a new suit, and found a product called "Surfin' Brief", it was like a Speedo but cut much smaller. I was fascinated! But it was too expensive for me, so I went down the street to a department store. I didn't find a swimsuit, but I found nylon-lycra underwear for men, bikini style, called Bravos. Their selection was a little picked over, but I got a sort of ugly gold one in my size. I literally dashed home to try it on, and wow. Just WOW. It was fantastic. I got another one later. They didn't hold up well, but were lots of fun while they lasted. Then I found the Jockey Skants, which were small but strange material. Then I got their cotton Elance bikini underwear, and that was my standard for years . And it's on from there...my underwear (which my now wife helped me shop for) was smaller and smaller, my swimsuits stayed more modest...but only for a while. She introduced me to thongs, and my collection now is embarrassing. I tried wearing boxers for a few days, and totally hated them. I have thongs too.

My drawer is filled with string bikini underwear now, a lot from Amazon. My swimsuits are bikinis and thongs, but I do have regular shorts because, well, I'm old, and not too many people respond positively to an old guy in a bikini or thong.

Am I addicted?
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Re: When did you know you liked bikinis?


outside_time wrote: Wed Nov 24, 2021 8:58 pm My actual awareness of bikinis and clothing that emphasized sexuality came from TV, watching circus shows. There was a time when male performers wore, essentially, speedos and were bare-chested. The ladies wore two-piece outfits, or one piece with high cut legs. I found it all very exciting, and I was less than 5 years old. Beach wear wasn't real tiny yet at that time. When I started going to the swim club, it was at a time when many guys wore Speedos. I didn't have one, I had a very stretchy square-cut suit with a white belt. But I found I could roll the waistband down and the legs up. Then I joined the swim team, and my first Speedo was mandatory. The coach wore his fairly loose, and his bulge was quite graphic. I didn't want that, so I got mine sized smaller and tighter. I wore it out after a couple of years on the team, then got my own suits in various colors and sizes, all Speedos.

All my friends had Speedos! It's what we wore. One friend shocked me one time when we were at his house, and he said, "Hey, do you know how to make a bikini?" Well, all he did was put on his Speedo, roll up the legs and down the waist, then parade around a bit. I wasn't comfortable with the situation, but it did let me know that I was not alone in my bikini obsession.

In my high school years, all my friends wore Speedos. And I discovered there were several types, styles an sizes. My next Speedo was a floral print, very short, with more narrow sides. And my best friend at the time got one too, in a different color. We spend many hours at the pool in the summer, sunning ourselves while watching the girls in their ever-shrinking bikinis. I recall one girl showing up for the first time in bottoms with string sides. We almost went nuts, she was so hot!

Then I went shopping for a new suit, and found a product called "Surfin' Brief", it was like a Speedo but cut much smaller. I was fascinated! But it was too expensive for me, so I went down the street to a department store. I didn't find a swimsuit, but I found nylon-lycra underwear for men, bikini style, called Bravos. Their selection was a little picked over, but I got a sort of ugly gold one in my size. I literally dashed home to try it on, and wow. Just WOW. It was fantastic. I got another one later. They didn't hold up well, but were lots of fun while they lasted. Then I found the Jockey Skants, which were small but strange material. Then I got their cotton Elance bikini underwear, and that was my standard for years . And it's on from there...my underwear (which my now wife helped me shop for) was smaller and smaller, my swimsuits stayed more modest...but only for a while. She introduced me to thongs, and my collection now is embarrassing. I tried wearing boxers for a few days, and totally hated them. I have thongs too.

My drawer is filled with string bikini underwear now, a lot from Amazon. My swimsuits are bikinis and thongs, but I do have regular shorts because, well, I'm old, and not too many people respond positively to an old guy in a bikini or thong.

Am I addicted?
I wouldn't say you were addicted. You like what you like, and over the years you have tried many styles until you found what really floats your boat. Your last sentence was interesting "not too many people respond positively to an old guy in a bikini or thong!" Remove the word "old" and you hit the nail on the head. Doesn't matter what age you are. Wear your bikinis and thongs for you and your supportive wife. Others' opinions don't matter!
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Re: When did you know you liked bikinis?

Post by outside_time »

Well, here's where I think it matters a bit, and I recognize that a guy in a bikini is already an issue for many. If you have extra weight and sag, the reaction goes from just "Eww, a guy in a bikini....etc." to "Ewww, what is that old guy thinking? He's out of shape AND wearing a bikini!"

I don't have big problems if I'm on a beach with the general public, I really don't care much. But for people I know, and have a conservative view, it matters more to me that I don't offend them that it does to exercise my rights. There will be plenty of other times for that.

I think bikinis and thongs are an obsession for me, have been nearly my whole life, for women and men. And I'll admit to it being strongly sexual, which for me is the emphasis of either the male or female form (not at all cross). It's also a great deal of fun! And I love to tell people that thongs were invented thousands of years ago (sorry Rudi) and worn by men, including Japanese wrestlers. Ha!
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