Manscaping: to do or not to do?

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Manscaping: to do or not to do?

Post by DrMarkinMD »

I’ve been doing “manscaping” each spring into the fall when swimwear season is upon us. The wife likes it, too, but only wants me to shave “down there” and my back. She likes the chest hair. My question is this: if you manscape, is it hard to do on your own? My wife shaved my back, but won’t shave the other regions. I’ve done it several times, but have gone to with her to a salon to get it done. It’s uncomfortable having another woman applying wax and shave, etc. I have recently found a male massage therapist who will do it. He does an okay job and I don’t have to worry about covering up like I do when the ladies do it. He’s actually quite good at it, but I would like to learn to do it myself. Is it hard to do? Thanks!
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Re: Manscaping: to do or not to do?


Hi Doctor.There is a very informative article on this subject on the regular TBD blog posted back in March 31 2017 in which various followers, including myself,share their own personal manscaping routines. To view it,just go to the homepage, click on Categories then General,and scroll back several pages until you reach that date and heading.Learning to do it yourself is not difficult once you settle on a method that best suits you,and will save you time and money. Let us know how you get on.
ps.Those nurses seem to get an eyeful everytime you and that other surgeon are on duty! Reminds me of the old Carry On movies from the 60's(lol).
G string EJ
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Re: Manscaping: to do or not to do?

Post by G string EJ »

Practice Doc- the more you do it the better you’ll get you’re not used to it- it’ll become routine. I do it twice s week
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Re: Manscaping: to do or not to do?

Post by tbdrawer »

Here's the link to the post that Tanga Tanga mentioned. ... anscaping/
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Re: Manscaping: to do or not to do?

Post by DanPar »

Definitely do! Many years ago perhaps 30 I was visiting a nude beach in Germany. There I witnessed my first manscaping. At first I thought it was cool. I wasn't sure it was for me. Married I mentioned it to my wife. She too wasn't sure about it either.

I took the first step and reduced the pubic hair to about a half inch. Seeing that looked incomplete, I got out the razor. Everything went. All the hairs from the penis and balls were gone. I didn't like it...I LOVED IT! My penis loved it too! It looked longer and so clean.

I really got into it big time. Today I shave not only my cock and balls but my chest and legs too. My muscular legs look great. My shaved chest is so clean and good looking it's wonderful.

My friend with benefits loves it too. She says (being very honest here) that giving a blow job to a saved penis is great. She says she'd never blow any guy who is not shaved.

Lastly since I wear bikinis and thongs a lot the look is Google no pubic hair spoilers the view.
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Re: Manscaping: to do or not to do?


DanPar wrote: Thu Jul 18, 2019 3:49 pm Definitely do! Many years ago perhaps 30 I was visiting a nude beach in Germany. There I witnessed my first manscaping. At first I thought it was cool. I wasn't sure it was for me. Married I mentioned it to my wife. She too wasn't sure about it either.

I took the first step and reduced the pubic hair to about a half inch. Seeing that looked incomplete, I got out the razor. Everything went. All the hairs from the penis and balls were gone. I didn't like it...I LOVED IT! My penis loved it too! It looked longer and so clean.

I really got into it big time. Today I shave not only my cock and balls but my chest and legs too. My muscular legs look great. My shaved chest is so clean and good looking it's wonderful.

My friend with benefits loves it too. She says (being very honest here) that giving a blow job to a saved penis is great. She says she'd never blow any guy who is not shaved.

Lastly since I wear bikinis and thongs a lot the look is Google no pubic hair spoilers the view.
You're right Dan. It does feel clean and smooth and it DOES make your penis look bigger! I personally think if a guy is going to wear really skimpy g-strings etc he should seriously consider manscaping down below!
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Re: Manscaping: to do or not to do?

Post by DanPar »

Thanks for the thumbs up 👍. I probably wear what would be considered extremely small bikini and thong swimwear. I shave daily because it looks so good 😊.
Tomorrow it will be very warm here in Chicago. I’ll be at the beach. Tiny thong on. Working on that full body tan.

Two corrections to my earlier post. My friend with benefits loves a s
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Re: Manscaping: to do or not to do?

Post by DanPar »

Let me add that my wife will not accompany me to the beach 🏖. She’s not a fan of my choice of swimwear. I wear my bikinis and thongs every time I go. Tomorrow I’ll be wearing one that’s almost see through...naughty me.
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Re: Manscaping: to do or not to do?

Post by DanPar »

TANGA TANGA wrote: Thu Jul 18, 2019 4:45 pm
DanPar wrote: Thu Jul 18, 2019 3:49 pm Definitely do! Many years ago perhaps 30 I was visiting a nude beach in Germany. There I witnessed my first manscaping. At first I thought it was cool. I wasn't sure it was for me. Married I mentioned it to my wife. She too wasn't sure about it either.

I took the first step and reduced the pubic hair to about a half inch. Seeing that looked incomplete, I got out the razor. Everything went. All the hairs from the penis and balls were gone. I didn't like it...I LOVED IT! My penis loved it too! It looked longer and so clean.

I really got into it big time. Today I shave not only my cock and balls but my chest and legs too. My muscular legs look great. My shaved chest is so clean and good looking it's wonderful.

My friend with benefits loves it too. She says (being very honest here) that giving a blow job to a shaved penis is great. She says she'd never blow any guy who is not shaved.

Lastly since I wear bikinis and thongs a lot the look is Great no pubic hair to spoil the view.
You're right Dan. It does feel clean and smooth and it DOES make your penis look bigger! I personally think if a guy is going to wear really skimpy g-strings etc he should seriously consider manscaping down below!
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Re: Manscaping: to do or not to do?


DanPar wrote: Thu Jul 18, 2019 7:37 pm Let me add that my wife will not accompany me to the beach 🏖. She’s not a fan of my choice of swimwear. I wear my bikinis and thongs every time I go. Tomorrow I’ll be wearing one that’s almost see through...naughty me.
Such a shame that your wife disapproves of your swimwear so much that she won't be seen with you at the beach. Did she not know about your taste in skimpy suits before you got married? Anyway,good for you for refusing to tone it down.
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